Search For discuss In Quotes 104

Ideas are only lethal if you suppress and don't discuss them. Ignorance is not bliss it's stupid. Banning books shows you don't trust your kids to think and you don't trust yourself to be able to talk to them.

I think it's important to travel around in order to get a notion of what's going on to find out what people are think about. I enjoy talking on campuses most because people are more informed and discussion is generally livelier.

If we do discover a complete theory it should be in time understandable in broad principle by everyone. Then we shall all philosophers scientists and just ordinary people be able to take part in the discussion of why we and the universe exist.

I was raised in New York City and raised in the New York City theater world. My father was a theater director and an acting teacher and it was not uncommon for me to have long discussions about the method and what the various different processes were to finding a character and exploring character and realizing that character.

Discussion in class which means letting twenty young blockheads and two cocky neurotics discuss something that neither their teacher nor they know.

If a teacher does not involve himself his values his commitments in the course of discussion why should the students?

The strength in our third-quarter financial results is cause for excitement. I'm particularly pleased that we continue to demonstrate impressive growth at the same time we are engaged in important merger discussions.

Police in China can do whatever they want after 81 days in arbitrary detention you clearly realise that they don't have to obey their own laws. In a society like this there is no negotiation no discussion except to tell you that power can crush you any time they want - not only you your whole family and all people like you.

If you're going to kill someone there isn't much reason to get all worked up about it and angry - you just pull the trigger. Angry discussions beforehand are a waste of time. We need to smile at Novell while we pull the trigger.

Of course in science there are things that are open to doubt and things need to be discussed. But among the things that science does know evolution is about as certain as anything we know.