Search For discourse In Quotes 17

Our country's political discourse and debate are enriched by discussions of the political implications of our faith traditions whether they are taking place in our communities at our dinner tables or in our places of worship.

Bad faith likes discourse on friendship and loyalty.

Whatever universe a professor believes in must at any rate be a universe that lends itself to lengthy discourse. A universe definable in two sentences is something for which the professorial intellect has no use. No faith in anything of that cheap kind!

I'd like to see much more understanding of emotional issues around hurt abandonment disappointment longing failure and shame where they stem from and how they drive people and policies brought into public discourse.

Public discourse has been polluted now for decades by corporate-funded disinformation - not just with climate change but with a host of health environmental and societal threats. The implications for the planet are grim.

Change of weather is the discourse of fools.

Let your Discourse with Men of Business be Short and Comprehensive.