Search For discard In Quotes 17

Each year one vicious habit discarded in time might make the worst of us good.

While day by day the overzealous student stores up facts for future use he who has learned to trust nature finds need for ever fewer external directions. He will discard formula after formula until he reaches the conclusion: Let nature take its course.

Conservatism discards Prescription shrinks from Principle disavows Progress having rejected all respect for antiquity it offers no redress for the present and makes no preparation for the future.

He who is overly attached to his family members experiences fear and sorrow for the root of all grief is attachment. Thus one should discard attachment to be happy.

There can be no greater error than to expect or calculate upon real favors from nation to nation. It is an illusion which experience must cure which a just pride ought to discard.

Unless you're living on the street and surviving on a diet of discarded turkey drumsticks there's no point in being gloomy. We've spent too long trying to cheer ourselves up by spending money on brightly coloured things we don't really need. We've stopped using our imaginations.

Here is a new car a new iPhone. We buy. We discard. We buy again. In recent years we've been doing it faster.

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When you're a famous successful person at 16 years old the rules change for you. Everybody is doing things for you to make life easier so you can go out and play. And I think you miss out on lot of growing up and a lot of reality checks.