Search For disappointed In Quotes 31

All in all for someone who was immersed in fascinated by and dedicated to flight I was disappointed by the wrinkle in history that had brought me along one generation late. I had missed all the great times and adventures in flight.

God lets you be successful because he trusts you that you will do the right thing with it. Now does he get disappointed often? All the time because people get there and they forget how they got it.

Don't remember me as too nice or beautiful or funny because then you'll be disappointed.

Friendship is certainly the finest balm for the pangs of disappointed love.

When you have put all your faith in man and continue to be disappointed don't you hope there is something out of there that is not of human element?

Well you have to keep your faith in the fact that there are a lot of intelligent people who are actively looking for something interesting people who have been disappointed so many times.

If there are Muslims who believe that they've got to kill Christians to make a way for the Islamic faith in the West not only would they be disappointed but it will lead to conflict there's no doubt about that.

The faith religious believers have in God is small compared to the faith people put in politicians knowing how many times they have been disappointed in the past but still insisting that this time it will be different.

I've learned to think in terms of having a long career. Actors can have very long careers that last until the day we die but there will be moments when you'll feel like you're a failure or when you're disappointed in yourself.

You shouldn't be afraid of failure - when something fails you think 'What did I learn from that experience? I can do better next time.' Then kill that project and move on to the next. Don't get disappointed.

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We all started snowboarding in the beginning as a family just to be closer together go on trips. It was our soccer but instead of Dad yelling at me from the sideline he is there riding with me and hitting the jumps even before I am hitting them.