Search For disappear In Quotes 65

Power and violence are opposites where the one rules absolutely the other is absent. Violence appears where power is in jeopardy but left to its own course it ends in power's disappearance.

It is the desire of the good people of the whole country that sectionalism as a factor in our politics should disappear...'

Patience and perseverance have a magical effect before which difficulties disappear and obstacles vanish.

The sun the moon and the stars would have disappeared long ago... had they happened to be within the reach of predatory human hands.

My life so common it disappears and sometimes even music cannot substitute for tears.

Once music ceases to be ephemeral - always disappearing - and becomes instead material... it leaves the condition of traditional music and enters the condition of painting. It becomes a painting existing as material in space not immaterial in time.

I'm a person who likes these sort of movies... sad but moving 'art movies' that normally are at a festival and then they go to a small art house theater and disappear.

People say you never remember anybody who dies in movies and it's true you don't. You don't even remember people who disappear.

It is the dissimilarities and inequalities among men which give rise to the notion of honor as such differences become less it grows feeble and when they disappear it will vanish too.

I can look back at different times in my life when I felt I could not find my way out of whatever it was. I'm not necessarily talking about marriage but I wanted to pack it in. I wanted to disappear. A lot of that has to do with being in the public eye.