Search For devices In Quotes 29

Science consistently produces a new crop of miraculous truths and dazzling devices every year.

One of the most powerful devices of poetry is the use of distortions. You can go from talking about the way a minute passes to the way a century passes or a lifetime.

All the problems of the world could be settled easily if men were only willing to think. The trouble is that men very often resort to all sorts of devices in order not to think because thinking is such hard work.

Why doesn't Apple stop for a year and make medical devices? When people talk about technology that's where I start to get a little hot under the collar because I know that it's the key to solving some of the world's biggest problems. Having a faster thinner telephone is not one of the world's biggest problems.

Oh there are lots of doctors and medical professionals out there who buy my devices at whole sale price.

Religious speech is extreme emotional and motivational. It is anti-literal relying on metaphor allusion and other rhetorical devices and it assumes knowledge within a community of believers.

To my knowledge the Department of Homeland Security has focused on detection devices that are large expensive use a large amount of energy and cannot easily be placed in or on a shipping container.

If I was left to my own devices you would see about ten T-shirts in rotation with maybe a few nice pairs of jeans - but I also like to look good. I like feeling really well put together I just don't have the aptitude and the knowledge to do that.

It's definitely true that there are a lot of the devices we used on 'Star Trek ' that came out the imagination of the writers and the creators that are actually in the world today.

Working in an office with an array of electronic devices is like trying to get something done at home with half a dozen small children around. The calls for attention are constant.