Search For designers In Quotes 17

Over the past 20 years I have noticed that the most flexible dynamic inquisitive minds among my students have been industrial design majors. Industrial designers are bracingly free of ideology and cant. The industrial designer is trained to be a clear-eyed observer of the commercial world - which like it or not is modern reality.

Designers are very fickle. I never wanted to be a victim of that. You're in one minute out the next.

Sometimes I can't figure designers out. It's as if they flunked human anatomy.

I'm a fan of designers and clothes that look beautiful but more importantly make me feel beautiful and confident. It's why I've always loved Stella McCartney and more recently Prabal Gurung. Their pieces are cool yet timeless and the fits are effortlessly flattering.

Car designers are just going to have to come up with an automobile that outlasts the payments.

Great designers seldom make great advertising men because they get overcome by the beauty of the picture - and forget that merchandise must be sold.

It's amazing to see things that are suggested in the book fully developed and so brilliantly realized through the artistry of the designers.