Search For cutting In Quotes 48

Once the cry and the cause of a generation of progressives to make America safer fairer and cleaner 'regulation' is now a dirty word in our politics. Even Democrats are quick to talk about cutting regulations Republicans hate them with - how to put it? - evangelical fervor.

When you think of couponing you picture a mom cutting coupons out of the back of the newspaper.

President Bush has a record of cutting taxes has provided a prescription drug benefit for seniors has upheld the Second Amendment and remains committed to stopping liberal activists judges who are redefining marriage.

I am honored that my freshman class colleagues have put their trust in me to represent our historic class at the leadership table. The incoming freshman class of Representatives is large and diverse but we share many common goals including cutting wasteful spending getting our economy back on track and making government smarter and more efficient.

What makes the pain we feel from shame and jealousy so cutting is that vanity can give us no assistance in bearing them.

I want to improve TSA's counterterrorism focus through intelligence and cutting edge technology support the TSA workforce and strengthen the agency's relationships with stakeholders and the traveling public. All of these priorities are interconnected and are vital to TSA's mission - and I would say all of our collective mission.

We must seek to persuade member states and institutions that better regulation in Europe does not mean cutting health and safety in the workplace nor does it mean dismantling social standards.

To do what we are doing in this budget to our children cutting their health care funds decreasing opportunity simply so we can pay for tax cuts and a war in Iraq is beyond belief and we need to reverse it.

I'm 58 years old and I just went through 8 back surgeries. They started cutting on me in February 2009 and I was basically bed ridden for almost two years. I got a real dose of reality that if you don't have your health you don't have anything.

So in Europe they're cutting people's retirement and health benefits. And that's what we want to avoid from happening. They're raising taxes entering a recession. That's the kind of economic program that President Obama has put in place.