Search For critic In Quotes 272

I am sorry to think that you do not get a man's most effective criticism until you provoke him. Severe truth is expressed with some bitterness.

I now announce myself as candidate for the Presidency. I anticipate criticism but however unfavorable I trust that my sincerity will not be called into question.

Never trust the artist. Trust the tale. The proper function of the critic is to save the tale from the artist who created it.

We are drowning in information while starving for wisdom. The world henceforth will be run by synthesizers people able to put together the right information at the right time think critically about it and make important choices wisely.

When my time on earth is gone and my activities here are passed I want they bury me upside down and my critics can kiss my ass!

As both a local resident and a parent with a CF-afflicted child I'm thankful for companies like Canon Chase and Outback who believe that giving back to the community is critical to their role as corporate citizens.

The first stage in a technology's advance is that it'll fall below a critical price. After it falls below a critical price it will tend if it's successful to rise above a critical mass a penetration.

A lot of the work in United States is highly critical of technology. I'm using 15 000 watts of power and 18 different pieces of electronic equipment to say that.

Technologists provide tools that can improve people's lives. But I want to be clear that I don't think technology by itself improves people's lives since often I'm criticized for being too pro-technology. Unless there's commensurate ethical and moral improvements to go along with it it's for naught.

The second and I think this is the much more overt and I think it is the main cause I have been increasingly demonstrating or trying to demonstrate that every possible stance a critic a scholar a teacher can take towards a poem is itself inevitably and necessarily poetic.