Search For cowardice In Quotes 20

They tell us that suicide is the greatest piece of cowardice... that suicide is wrong when it is quite obvious that there is nothing in the world to which every man has a more unassailable title than to his own life and person.

Because at bottom I'm interested in fear and in courage and cowardice and these are easier to get at through fiction where you can enter people's heads.

Falsehood is cowardice the truth courage.

Cowardice and courage are never without a measure of affectation. Nor is love. Feelings are never true. They play with their mirrors.

At the bottom of not a little of the bravery that appears in the world there lurks a miserable cowardice. Men will face powder and steel because they have not the courage to face public opinion.

Courage is often lack of insight whereas cowardice in many cases is based on good information.

Courage enlarges cowardice diminishes resources. In desperate straits the fears of the timid aggravate the dangers that imperil the brave.

Courage stands halfway between cowardice and rashness one of which is a lack the other an excess of courage.

The opposite of courage in our society is not cowardice it is conformity.

The opposite for courage is not cowardice it is conformity. Even a dead fish can go with the flow.