Search For corporations In Quotes 31

Corporations consumers and citizens must begin acting in concert to create a powerful third pillar of social transformation if we hope to meet the social challenges we currently face with equal force. This begins with corporations that choose to alter how they practice capitalism in two ways to serve the greater good.

Populism is not a style it's a people's rebellion against the iron grip that big corporations have on our country - including our economy government media and environment.

The corporations don't have to lobby the government anymore. They are the government.

Candidly I believe most corporations actually don't mind big government.

Corporations often partner with government after natural disasters as many companies did in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina in 2005. As a rule however long-term civic/corporate partnerships are still rare .But this need not remain the status quo as many opportunities are available for such partnerships.

You know that big government doesn't hurt big corporations. They've got the best lawyers and accountants in the world. You know who gets destroyed by big government? It's the little guys.

So Indian policy has become institutionalized and the result has been that American people have become more dependent on government and that the American people have become more dependent on corporations.

I hope we shall crush in its birth the aristocracy of our monied corporations which dare already to challenge our government to a trial by strength and bid defiance to the laws of our country.

It is not natural or inevitable that half the world goes hungry that the freedom of markets trumps protection of the planet or that citizens' rights come second to those of corporations.

If you go back to the time of J.P. Morgan the world of high finance was completely wholesale. The prestigious investment banks on Wall Street appealed exclusively to large corporations governments and to extremely wealthy individuals.

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This House cannot function without an open accountable and independent ethics process and the molestation of that process by the majority is an abuse of power that cannot stand.