Search For cooler In Quotes 14

I never cut class. I loved getting A's I liked being smart. I liked being on time. I thought being smart is cooler than anything in the world.

When I grew up there wasn't air-conditioning or anything of that nature and this old car had a wall thickness of about ten inches. So we had a little warmer house in the winter and a little cooler in the summer.

Fact: The new '90210' is cooler than the old '90210.' It's the lithe streamlined Skipper to the elder series' venerable Barbie. Gone are the traditional parents - they've been replaced by a hipster mom n' pop who get busted necking in the car.

Katy Perry is the sexiest woman I've ever kissed. It was amazing and very purple - she had purple lipstick on. I don't think there will ever be anything cooler than kissing her... until I marry her maybe!