Search For contrast In Quotes 24

The little may contrast with the great in painting but cannot be said to be contrary to it. Oppositions of colors contrast but there are also colors contrary to each other that is which produce an ill effect because they shock the eye when brought very near it.

The Israeli government has proved over the past year its commitment to peace both in words and deeds. By contrast the Palestinians are posing preconditions for renewing the diplomatic process in a way they have not done over the course of 16 years.

So far as discipline is concerned freedom means not its absence but the use of higher and more rational forms as contrasted with those that are lower or less rational.

In contrast fear societies are societies in which dissent is banned.

Science we are repeatedly told is the most reliable form of knowledge about the world because it is based on testable hypotheses. Religion by contrast is based on faith. The term 'doubting Thomas' well illustrates the difference.

I think our failure in the production of good town churches of distinctive character must have struck you often as it has me when contrasted with our comparative success in country churches.

In Britain by contrast we still think that class plays a part in determining a person's life chances so we're less inclined to celebrate success and less inclined to condemn failure. The upshot is that it's much easier to be a failure in Britain than it is in America.

Marimba is much more of a wood-type experience and there is no real possibility of getting a dry sound and getting that contrast in the same way that you can in a vibraphone.

If we didn't want to upset anyone we would make films about sewing but even that could be dangerous. But I think finally in a film it is how the balance is and the feelings are. But I think there has to be those contrasts and strong things within a film for the total experience.

In the past missionaries have traveled to far countries with the message of the gospel - with great hardship and often with the loss of life. In contrast we can reach millions instantly from the comfort of our homes by merely hitting the 'send' button on our computers or with iPads or phones.