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I have a trophy case that contains all the action figures ever made of me. It also has items I've stolen from my movies like three guns and holsters from 'Serenity'.

Life contains but two tragedies. One is not to get your heart's desire the other is to get it.

Mr. Speaker the fact of the matter is that the Ten Commandments are a historical document that contains moral ethical and legal truisms that any person of any religion or even an atheist can recognize and appreciate.

The universal Mind contains all knowledge. It is the potential ultimate of all things. To it all things are possible.

Jealousy contains more of self-love than of love.

Raising taxes is the last thing we should do amid the weakest economic recovery since World War II. Unfortunately even if we avoid the full 'Taxmageddon' scenario President Obama's health care law also contains a new surtax on investment that will take effect in 2013.

Fear is a question: What are you afraid of and why? Just as the seed of health is in illness because illness contains information your fears are a treasure house of self-knowledge if you explore them.

Growth itself contains the germ of happiness.

Language is the armory of the human mind and at once contains the trophies of its past and the weapons of its future conquests.

Now an embryo may seem like some scientific or laboratory term but in fact the embryo contains the unique information that defines a person. All you add is food and climate control and some time and the embryo becomes you or me.