Search For consistently In Quotes 27

Any fool can make enough money to survive. It's another thing to keep yourself consistently entertained. It's a lot of work and a lot of fun to make a life.

A good boss makes his men realize they have more ability than they think they have so that they consistently do better work than they thought they could.

Authenticity is the alignment of head mouth heart and feet - thinking saying feeling and doing the same thing - consistently. This builds trust and followers love leaders they can trust.

Studies have consistently shown that financial hardship is the biggest obstacle to heterosexual marriage yet the Republican leadership has done precious little to help address the financial hardship faced by American families.

I'm much better informed than Mr. Clarke ever was about the nature of the intelligence that was available again Osama bin Laden and which was consistently denigrated by himself and Mr. Tenet.

Whether it's viewers of the show or readers of my columns and books I'm consistently impressed with their wit humor and insight. That goes for about 95 percent of the audience. The other five percent are why the 'Delete' option and restraining orders were invented.

Well I'm like a drug addict I'm always saying I'm going to stop and then I don't what I've said consistently is that I hope I know when to stop: when it starts to get repetitive.

Children that are raised in a home with a married mother and father consistently do better in every measure of well-being than their peers who come from divorced or step-parent single-parent cohabiting homes.

The history of the last century shows as we shall see later that the advice given to governments by bankers like the advice they gave to industrialists was consistently good for bankers but was often disastrous for governments businessmen and the people generally.

The good die young but not always. The wicked prevail but not consistently. I am confused by life and I feel safe within the confines of the theatre.

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Well I look at it like this: When you go to a restaurant the less you know about what happens in the kitchen the more you enjoy your meal. If the soup tastes good everything's cool and you don't necessarily want to know what's in it. The same thing holds true with movies.