Search For connection In Quotes 98

I've covered a lot of ground geographically and emotionally and for years I lost my connection with my family. But the best comfort you can have whether you are on the phone or sitting there in the living room with them is with your parents and to me family has always meant protection. When you smile you get a smile back unconditionally.

Mathematical science is in my opinion an indivisible whole an organism whose vitality is conditioned upon the connection of its parts.

My object will be first to show by what connections the history of the fossil bones of land animals is linked to the theory of the earth and why they have a particular importance in this respect.

There's a generation of people I think without a strong connection to family to religion to civic duty. They have a real disassociation from the problems of the world.

Both of my parents would say they were atheists so where I inherited my connection to God I don't know. But it's natural. No Bible no Torah just the love religion.

There is a very intimate connection between hypnotic phenomena and religion.

The close relationship between railroad expansion and the genera development and prosperity of the country is nowhere brought more distinctly into relief than in connection with the construction of the Pacific railroads.

It's interesting that I had such a close relationship with my grandfather. Because your parents always judge you: they say 'You shouldn't do this you shouldn't do that.' But with your grandparents you have a feeling that you can say anything or you can do anything and they will support you. That's why you have this kind of connection.

Whatever your supposed politics are - left right - if you put it in a human connection most people will rise to the occasion and feel the human pain in a way that they might not if it was presented in a more conceptual way.

But in the finished art of the song the use of words has no connection with the use of words in poetry.