Search For composition In Quotes 23

Patriotism is strong nationalistic feeling for a country whose borders and whose legitimacy and whose ethnic composition is taken for granted.

The chief ingredients in the composition of those qualities that gain esteem and praise are good nature truth good sense and good breeding.

Unprovided with original learning unformed in the habits of thinking unskilled in the arts of composition I resolved to write a book.

Those Dutchmen had hardly any imagination or fantasy but their good taste and their scientific knowledge of composition were enormous.

Of all the species of literary composition perhaps biography is the most delightful. The attention concentrated on one individual gives a unity to the materials of which it is composed which is wanting in general history.

A lot of the greatest compositions were made famous by Sinatra.

When I was four years old my mother put me into a school for early music education where you get perfect pitch and harmony and composition.

Sometimes you start with the drawing and then the gag comes to you in the middle of it. That is when you start working on the solution of the gag which is composition placing equilibrium and character design.

When I design buildings I think of the overall composition much as the parts of a body would fit together. On top of that I think about how people will approach the building and experience that space.

When I left Europe in 1987 I did so with the thought that my relevance as a composition teacher would benefit from a certain cool distance to certain tendencies I had been observing for several years with increasing disquiet.