Search For comparison In Quotes 29

There is just no comparison between having a dinner date with a man and staying home playing canasta with the girls.

It is work work that one delights in that is the surest guarantor of happiness. But even here it is a work that has to be earned by labor in one's earlier years. One should labor so hard in youth that everything one does subsequently is easy by comparison.

Happiness in the present is only shattered by comparison with the past.

It's funny. People often compare me to other humor essayists. They're usually quite nice comparisons I will accept those gladly. But I am always sort of appalled at the idea of being lumped with other more chick-y female writers. And the truth is probably that neither comparison is accurate.

Judgment traps you within the limitations of your comparisons. It inhibits freedom.

There is no reasoning no process of inference or comparison there is no thinking about things no putting two and two together there are no ideas - the animal does not think of the box or of the food or of the act he is to perform.

Love is the total absence of fear. Love asks no questions. Its natural state is one of extension and expansion not comparison and measurement.

Jealousy is the fear of comparison.

The countries who do the best in international comparisons whether it's Finland or Japan Denmark or Singapore do well because they have professional teachers who are respected and they also have family and community which support learning.

The only relevant test of the validity of a hypothesis is comparison of prediction with experience.

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About the time I turned 50 I experienced the profound biological change that often accompanies women at that age. Also I put two kids in college and lost both of my parents so I'm no longer somebody's daughter.