Search For commit In Quotes 303

A lot of journalism wants to have what they call objectivity without them having a commitment to pursuing the truth but that doesn't work. Objectivity requires belief in and a commitment toward pursuing the truth - having an object outside of our personal point of view.

Let us begin by committing ourselves to the truth to see it like it is and tell it like it is to find the truth to speak the truth and to live the truth.

Every truth has two sides it is as well to look at both before we commit ourselves to either.

I guess because it feels more open but I think being married is way sexier because it's really like your soul partner in a permanent fashion and then you strive for it to be something permanent and that type of commitment and trust if you can achieve it is so good for the soul.

When you lie down with a short prayer commit yourself into the hands of your Creator and when you have done so trust Him with yourself as you must do when you are dying.

All the blessings we enjoy are Divine deposits committed to our trust on this condition that they should be dispensed for the benefit of our neighbors.

Prison service vans that travel 90 miles to take a prisoner 90 yards paedophiles free to leer at children in the very parks where they have committed horrific crimes.

A major league pitching coach is a really difficult job. It takes a big commitment in terms of time travel and workload.

Once you're in the game and it's a part of your life you never want to leave it. But you have to be committed to be able to travel and do the things you need to do to be successful in whatever role you're doing.

Every study on crime and or firearms proves time and time again that 99.99999% of American gun owners do not commit crimes or use our firearms in any dangerous or improper way.

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Had we lived I should have had a tale to tell of the hardihood endurance and courage of my companions which would have stirred the heart of every Englishman. These rough notes and our dead bodies must tell the tale.