Search For comedians In Quotes 20

For the most part comedians are pretty friendly with each other. They always say they badmouth each other but most of the time they're friends. We're the only ones that can really stand our type of humor.

Who knew Rob Lowe was funny? On 'Parks and Rec ' we've got some of the funniest comedy writers some of the funniest comedians in the world working there. And if anything we don't just effuse to one another and be like 'Oh Rob Lowe's really funny ' if he wasn't.

If you think something's funny go with that. Most comedians pull jokes from a place of honesty.

Comedians don't laugh. They're too busy analyzing why it's funny or not.

The comedians I liked were Bill Cosby and Steven Wright like just always as a comedic actor. I always liked Gary Larson who's really funny for a cartoonist obviously.

Normally I name my characters after famous comedians.

There are a lot of famous comedians from Liverpool then obviously the Beatles and the football club. That's what people in Liverpool are passionate about.

Comedians walk out get a feel for the crowd. If it's not going good we change directions. If we got to drag your momma into this thing we will. Whatever we got to do.

I've always believed that there are funny people everywhere but they're just not comedians. In fact some of my best comedic inspirations were not professional entertainers.

I think that we're in a really amazing time where there are really a lot of really fantastic female actresses and comedians. I imagine there's just a lot of opportunity for women to have powerful roles. Or it's just that there's more women writing TV. Women tend to maybe write strong women.