Search For colour In Quotes 32

I have a very lively and colourful show. It's two hours of hits and the music speaks for itself.

Although I am basically self taught I consider Debussy my teacher - the most important elements are colour light and shadow.

This morning someone sent me a very funny photo of me holding their puppy. We have matching colour jackets.

Fashion should be something that in the morning when you open your window you say 'Oh fantastic sun!' Then you take your shower you say 'OK fantastic which colour I wear today because I feel happy?' This should be fashion.

I'm quite ignorant about fashion and I'm colourblind so it's all a tad tricky. My only knowledge of that world comes through Christopher Bailey whom I first met in 2008 when I did a campaign for Burberry that featured musicians artists actors and sportsmen.

With the brush we merely tint while the imagination alone produces colour.

As a black man my hope is that I can touch more and more people all over the world of different races and different colours.

Whether a woman's running for office or she's supporting her husband who's running for office and she gets criticised for wearing open-toed shoes or for the colour of her coat there's just a lot of history that you bear if you are a woman who puts herself out in the political arena.

White... is not a mere absence of colour it is a shining and affirmative thing as fierce as red as definite as black... God paints in many colours but He never paints so gorgeously I had almost said so gaudily as when He paints in white.

It's funny that all these goths paint their faces with such white make-up and that is the actual colour of my skin I am that pale!