Search For cognition In Quotes 50

Religion is the recognition of all our duties as divine commands.

Through the years I have received my share of recognition for efforts in the fields of sports the arts the struggle for full citizenship for the Negro people labor's rights and the fight for peace.

Some people just use beautiful things to just shop or to have a tribal feeling - 'Oh blah blah blah I'm wearing Hermes blah blah blah I'm wearing Saint Laurent blah-blah blah' - because it's like a need a tribe recognition: 'Ahh my Rolex.' But I run away from anything which is too recognizable - it's my nature.

I didn't know this about myself but when 'Pirates of the Caribbean' came out I realised that I didn't enjoy a huge amount of recognition. I didn't react to it well but I think life is about finding out who you are and what you like. So I started doing independent movies and art-house films instead.

People may take a job for more money but they often leave it for more recognition.

There are two things people want more than sex and money... recognition and praise.

Every article I wrote in those days every speech I made is full of pleading for the recognition of lead poisoning as a real and serious medical problem.

The very idea of marriage is basic to recognition as equals in our society any status short of that is inferior unjust and unconstitutional.

I have no difficulty with the recognition of civil unions for non-traditional relationships but I believe in law we should protect the traditional definition of marriage.

When people get married because they think it's a long-time love affair they'll be divorced very soon because all love affairs end in disappointment. But marriage is a recognition of a spiritual identity.