Search For classic In Quotes 105

I want to do all kinds of things. I want to do some comedy. I'd love to do a romantic comedy and I'd love to do some period pieces with classical text. I'd love somebody to cast me as Macbeth but for a film. I just want to be all over the place.

I get some of my ideas from watching my three daughters but most of them come from my own memories of growing up. I can remember how romantic I was not just about love but romance in the classic sense - the romantic ideals: of honor and truth of loyalty sacrifice and fairness. Those were the elements that made a story satisfying to me.

I think Bond the character is distinct: He's British he has a certain code that he lives by he's incorruptible... he's a classical hero but he's also fallible. He has inner demons inner conflicts and he's a romantic.

There's a hardening of the culture. Reality TV has lowered the standards of entertainment. You're left wondering about the legitimacy of relationships. It's probably harder to entertain the same people with a more classic form of writing and romantic comedies are a classic genre.

Classical Romantic and Baroque music that's what I really like.

Classic art was the art of necessity: modern romantic art bears the stamp of caprice and chance.

Conductors' careers are made for the most part with 'Romantic' music. 'Classic' music eliminates the conductor we do not remember him in it.

Suddenly I've got an overwhelming desire to surround myself with the aura of classical and Romantic art.

That's what I like about film-it can be bizarre classic normal romantic. Cinema is to me the most versatile thing.

The difference between religion and morality lies simply in the classical division of things into the divine and the human if one only interprets this correctly.

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Here you have a new technology and if that technology is going to work you must allow people to provide central indexes of the data. It's just like a newspaper that publishes classified ads.