Search For churches In Quotes 25

The relationships that people have - that are sexual psychological emotional - these relationships are not open to supervision by parents schools churches or government. Nobody has any right to intervene at all in any kind of relationship like that.

If to do were as easy as to know what were good to do chapels had been churches and poor men's cottage princes' palaces.

Institutions - government churches industries and the like - have properly no other function than to contribute to human freedom and in so far as they fail on the whole to perform this function they are wrong and need reconstruction.

The principle that certain sins should not receive the Church's testimony of forgiveness was probably no novelty at all but had been applied in various churches perhaps however with no strict consistency.

I've been speaking at churches for years as well as juvenile jails rehabs and hospitals and I always talk about my faith. That is a declaration of my relationship with God.

But how odd that in this heathen nation of empty pews where churches' bare ruined choirs are converted into luxury loft living a Labour government - yes a Labour government - is deliberately creating a huge expansion of faith schools.

I think our failure in the production of good town churches of distinctive character must have struck you often as it has me when contrasted with our comparative success in country churches.

This dullness of vision regarding the importance of the general welfare to the individual is the measure of the failure of our schools and churches to teach the spiritual significance of genuine democracy.

In regard to education something has been done by the Provincial Legislature but to build churches and to place clergymen is a work of greater difficulty.

But I have been in some very beautiful churches then I've looked outside and seen people starving to death.

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I believed my story would be helpful to young women my daughter's age who are still in the process of forming themselves as women and in need of encouragement to remain true to themselves.