Search For chemical In Quotes 38

Thus at the beginning of 1906 it seemed to be established that the emitters of the spectral series of chemical elements are their positive atomic ions.

Foods high in bad fats sugar and chemicals are directly linked to many negative emotions whereas whole natural foods rich in nutrients - foods such as fruits vegetables grains and legumes - contribute to greater energy and positive emotions.

The ingestion of brain-altering chemicals - legal or illegal - cannot be categorized as good stewardship of our earthly lives.

That's not all our crops can do. We are also learning how to transform plants into factories. We can now raise plants that will create enzymes that would otherwise be created in chemical factories.

In the present state of our knowledge it would be useless to attempt to speculate on the remote cause of the electrical energy... its relation to chemical affinity is however sufficiently evident. May it not be identical with it and an essential property of matter?

They have involved co-operation between the Iraqi intelligence and al-Qaeda operatives on training and combined operations regarding bomb making and chemical and biological weapons.

This I conceive to be the chemical function of humor: to change the character of our thought.

Most American fascists are enthusiastically supporting the war effort. They are doing this even in those cases where they hope to have profitable connections with German chemical firms after the war ends.

When the rose and the cross are united the alchemical marriage is complete and the drama ends. Then we wake from history and enter eternity.

You had to be aware that I saw that photography was a mere episode in the history of the optical projection and when the chemicals ended meaning the picture was fixed by chemicals we were in a new era.