Search For chant In Quotes 28

I get up at sunrise. I'm a Buddhist so I chant in the morning. My wife and I sit and have coffee together but then it's list-making time. I have carpentry projects. We have roads we keep in repair. It's not back-breaking but it's certainly aerobic and mildly strenuous.

When I wrote the song I had the sea near Bombay in mind. We stayed at a hotel by the sea and the fishermen come up at five in the morning and they were all chanting. And we went on the beach and we got chased by a mad dog - big as a donkey.

Whatever deceives men seems to produce a magical enchantment.

This is one of the miracles of love: It gives a power of seeing through its own enchantments and yet not being disenchanted.

He is the true enchanter whose spell operates not upon the senses but upon the imagination and the heart.

So I started chanting when I was nineteen which was about twelve years ago and it really had a huge impact on my outlook happiness and general creativity.

Inside every adult there's still a child that lingers. We're happiness merchants - giving people the opportunity to dream like children.

For the merchant even honesty is a financial speculation.

You know this idea of going around the world imposing democracy by growing a middle-class a trading merchant class that is independent of your faith is a good notion but we're all partially different - it's no good imposing systems on people that it doesn't suit.

How is it possible that a being with such sensitive jewels as the eyes such enchanted musical instruments as the ears and such fabulous arabesque of nerves as the brain can experience itself anything less than a god.

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Where globalization means as it so often does that the rich and powerful now have new means to further enrich and empower themselves at the cost of the poorer and weaker we have a responsibility to protest in the name of universal freedom.