Search For capable In Quotes 134

I have a character failing. I am quite incapable of identifying with anything whole-heartedly. Whatever I am doing I am always planning to do something else. I would rather travel than arrive.

Concepts like individuals have their histories and are just as incapable of withstanding the ravages of time as are individuals. But in and through all this they retain a kind of homesickness for the scenes of their childhood.

People spend too much time finding other people to blame too much energy finding excuses for not being what they are capable of being and not enough energy putting themselves on the line growing out of the past and getting on with their lives.

You need to know what makes artists tick. Having been through the process myself as a musician since I was an early teen gave me an advantage - understanding them from their point of view because it's about them it's not about you - it's their vision and what they're capable of achieving and you're the conduit.

The technology that threatens to kill off books as we know them - the 'physical book ' a new phrase in our language - is also making the physical book capable of being more beautiful than books have been since the middle ages.

Take therefore what modern technology is capable of: the power of our moral sense allied to the power of communications and our ability to organize internationally.That in my view gives us the first opportunity as a community to fundamentally change the world.

Teaching is the only major occupation of man for which we have not yet developed tools that make an average person capable of competence and performance. In teaching we rely on the 'naturals ' the ones who somehow know how to teach.

Actors who are lovers in real life are often incapable if playing the part of lovers to an audience. It is equally true that sympathy between actors who are not lovers may create a temporary emotion that is perfectly sincere.

Children even infants are capable of sympathy. But only after adolescence are we capable of compassion.

Any mind that is capable of real sorrow is capable of good.