Search For canadian In Quotes 29

My great hope would be that Quebec would realize itself fully as a distinct part of Canada and stay Canadian bringing to Canada a part of its richness.

I think first and foremost everybody should understand that Canadians are strongly committed to the system of universal health insurance to the principle that your ability to pay does not determine your access to critical medical service.

We'll support the government on issues if it's essential to the country but our primary responsibility is not to prop up the government our responsibility is to provide an opposition and an alternative government for Parliament and for Canadians.

The Leader of the Opposition's constitutional obligation - the obligation to Parliament - it's the reason we did the merger! - is to make sure Canadians have an alternative for government.

The Canadian government continues to say they will not help us if we go to war with Iraq. However the prime minister of Canada said he'd like to help but he's pretty sure that last time he checked Canada had no army.

Both my parents are English and came out to Australia in 1967. I was born the following year. My parents and immigrants like them were known as '£10 poms.' Back then the Australian government was trying to get educated British people and Canadians - to be honest educated white people - to come and live in Australia.

As a religion bilingualism is the god that failed. It has led to no fairness produced no unity and cost Canadian taxpayers untold millions.

And on a Canadian set everybody is equal. You get paid the same. You live together in barracks. You have a communal kitchen. You buy and cook your own food.

Canadians are very well behaved they don't throw their food.

My food is Louisiana New Orleans-based well-seasoned rustic. I think it's pretty unique because of my background being influenced by my mom Portuguese and French Canadian. There's a lot going on there.