Search For cakes In Quotes 15

Eating rice cakes is like chewing on a foam coffee cup only less filling.

Women always try to see the one good part of The Weird Guy because the dating landscape is so bleak. Women will say 'He's very odd but he likes to cook. He's creepy but he makes good pancakes!'

I'm a big potato chip girl. I don't like chocolate and cakes and all that but I have to have my potato chips. I've got bags in the back of my car right now! But I never beat myself up about it because look: You can't give up every damn thing. You need something in your life that you like just because you like it!

At her birthday my seven-year-old daughter will say that she wants these big cakes and certain expensive toys as presents and I can't say no to her. It would just break my heart. But when I was little for birthdays we just played outside and we were happy if we got any cake.

I have had fans make me the big picture collages of the photo books I have had fans send me birthday cakes... sing to me on my voicemail. I have had fans flash me. I have had older fans give me their bras and underwear onstage.