Search For butter In Quotes 38

My mom used to make everything. She had a great garden and composted and made everything from scratch - peanut butter bread jelly everything. I don't know how she did it because all those things take time and love and labour. I only do half the stuff she does - but there's still time.

I love that feeling of being in love the effect of having butterflies when you wake up in the morning. That is special.

I like to feel the butterflies in the stomach I like to go home and have a restless night and wonder how I'm going to be able to accomplish this feat get jittery. That hunger and those butterflies in the stomach are very essential for all creative people.

When a small child I thought that success spelled happiness. I was wrong happiness is like a butterfly which appears and delights us for one brief moment but soon flits away.

Happiness is a butterfly which when pursued is always just beyond your grasp but which if you will sit down quietly may alight upon you.

What's a butterfly garden without butterflies?

The joys of friendship inert the heart and fizzy home bouncing jubilantly with laughter-buttered love.

I'm tempted by everything. My husband makes fun of me because every day it's a new food that I love. I have a weakness for butterscotch pudding ice cream in any flavor and dark chocolate although that's one thing I do keep in my house - 70% dark chocolate.

Everyone prefers some foods over others but some adults take this tendency to an extreme. These people tend to prefer the kinds of bland food they may have enjoyed as children - such as plain or buttered pasta macaroni and cheese cheese pizza French fries and grilled cheese sandwiches - and to restrict their eating to just a few dishes.

Believe me I understand the need for easy and speedy. After a 12-hour day of shooting 'Chopped ' say I'm talking stir-fry spaghetti heck peanut-butter sandwiches. But that's not about the joy of food. That's survival.