Search For brutal In Quotes 40

Instead in the absence of respect for human rights science and its offspring technology have been used in this century as brutal instruments for oppression.

Be honest brutally honest. That is what's going to maintain relationships.

I realize I will always be the poster child for police brutality but I can try to use that as a positive force for healing and restraint.

Men and women who know the brutal reality of war who know that war strips people of their very humanity must unite in a new global partnership for peace.

Dinner 'conversation' at the Cohens' meant my sister mom and I relaying in brutal detail the day's events in a state of amplified hysteria while my father listened to his own smooth jazz station in his head.

I do not consider divorce an evil by any means. It is just as much a refuge for women married to brutal men as Canada was to the slaves of brutal masters.

Marriage is an institution fits in perfect harmony with the laws of nature whereas systems of slavery and segregation were designed to brutally oppress people and thereby violated the laws of nature.

Suddenly the whole imagination of writing and editorial and newspaper and all these presumptions about who am I reading this and who else other people may be and all that it's so grimly brutal!

Back in 2004 Kellie Overbey handed me her play 'Girl Talk' to read. I fell in love with her brutally delicious humor and the fearlessly deft way in which she drew her characters. They jumped off the page and begged me to give them a space in which to stomp around.

He has such a patronizing tone and manner and such a sarcastic sense of humor. I found him rather brutal a kind of elegant brutality which appealed. No I think he came pretty much off the page.