Search For brush In Quotes 31

But of course when people watch morning television Terry it's a very different animal. You know they're running around they're getting their kids ready for school they're probably doing eight million things they're brushing their teeth.

After the first day of practice there's not one guy who's playing at 100 percent or who feels great. Sometimes getting up in the morning and brushing your teeth is the hardest part of the day - it just hurts.

Cinema in India is like brushing your teeth in the morning. You can't escape it.

Someday we'll learn the whole story of why George W. Bush brushed off that intelligence briefing of Aug. 6 2001 'Bin Laden Determined to Strike in U.S.' But surely a big distraction was the major speech he was readying for delivery on Aug. 9 his first prime-time address to the nation.

With the brush we merely tint while the imagination alone produces colour.

I like to do weird things in the shower like drink my coffee brush my teeth and drink a smoothie. It's good time management.

It does not take a majority to prevail... but rather an irate tireless minority keen on setting brushfires of freedom in the minds of men.

My desire is to stand up and brush myself off when I make mistakes and ask for forgiveness.

Start with a clean grill. Keep it clean by brushing with a wire brush after preheating and again after cooking. Make sure to oil your grates and your food before putting it on the grill to keep it from sticking.

You know Stephen says in the movies no one ever goes to the bathroom. They shave they brush their teeth. He goes right at this sort of funny taboo we have about the bathroom and he turned it into this nightmare you know your worst fear of what's in there.