Search For britain In Quotes 63

We from every religion feel comfortable in Britain because there is a host. The Church of England is a good host it has been a major force in shaping England into such a tolerant society.

We must honestly face our relationship with Great Britain.

It does not seem to me that the steps which would be needed to make Britain - and others - more comfortable in their relationship in the European Union are inherently so outlandish or unreasonable.

We need to dig deep and give people a reason to be optimistic just as Obama is doing in America. Because in the same way that outcome of the U.S. elections will change the course of events there and around the world so too do politics here in Britain.

If the United States of America or Britain is having elections they don't ask for observers from Africa or from Asia. But when we have elections they want observers.

The British system had requirements including Latin. I'm not positive you ever had to know Greek but there are certainly kinds of curricula where you had to know Greek too. I think in Britain there was the most mindless repetitive sort of learning.

In Britain you do your job. When you do an American TV show there is a sense of being one with the crew and there is a leadership element which was a learning curve for me because it is very different culturally. In Britain you just do it leave and say 'Thanks.'

It's not a matter of if economies around the world becoming low-carbon but when and how: through struggle and strife or through advancement and progressive leadership. Larry Elliot described it today as the 'Green New Deal.' It's a leadership we in Britain can provide and from which our economy can benefit.

The trouble with the Labour Party leadership and the trade union leadership they're quite willing to applaud millions on the streets of the Philippines or in Eastern Europe without understanding the need to also produce millions of people on the streets of Britain.

I think the Canadian sense of humor is dryer than America's and juicier than Britain's. I think it's a cross between the two of them really.

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Presents don't really mean much to me. I don't want to sound mawkish but - it was the realization that I have a great many people in my life who really love me and who I really love.