Search For brick In Quotes 18

The important thing is to learn a lesson every time you lose. Life is a learning process and you have to try to learn what's best for you. Let me tell you life is not fun when you're banging your head against a brick wall all the time.

I don't watch a huge amount of telly. I read a lot. I'm reading at the moment 'Freedom ' by Jonathan Franzen a great big brick of a book and I'm loving it.

Sometimes life hits you in the head with a brick. Don't lose faith.

There were IBM logos designed for the film and there were IBM design consultants working with Kubrick on the layout of the controls and computer screens.

I'd rather drive the yellow brick road you wouldn't happen to know of a rental car place around.

We're in a giant car heading towards a brick wall and everyone's arguing over where they're going to sit.

Architecture starts when you carefully put two bricks together. There it begins.

In general I was a good kid. It usually took a lot to make me mad. But once I reached the boiling point I lost all rational control. Totally without thinking when my anger was aroused I grabbed the nearest brick rock or stick to bash someone. It was as if I had no conscious will in the matter.

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You know I do music. If you look under the hood of the industry I'm in it's all based on technology. From radio to phonographs to CDs it's all technology. Microphones reel-to-reels cameras editing chips it's all technology.