Search For blessing In Quotes 104

I was successful materially but I know life is much more than worldly success. I saw all these blessings God had given me. The way to give thanks is obedience to God.

What if the Soviet intervention was a blessing in disguise? It saved the myth that if the Soviets were not to intervene there would have been some flowering authentic democratic socialism and so on. I'm a little bit more of a pessimist there. I think that the Soviets - it's a very sad lesson - by their intervention saved the myth.

Religion is a mixed blessing.

Today we thank God for all the blessings He has bestowed upon this great Country and ask Him to continue to heal our land and meet our needs - and we do so through the power of prayer.

Let us realize that: the privilege to work is a gift the power to work is a blessing the love of work is success!

Kind words are a creative force a power that concurs in the building up of all that is good and energy that showers blessings upon the world.

Power is no blessing in itself except when it is used to protect the innocent.

Democracy shows not only its power in reforming governments but in regenerating a race of men and this is the greatest blessing of free governments.

Let peace descending from her native heaven bid her olives spring amidst the joyful nations and plenty in league with commerce scatter blessings from her copious hand!

On balance my life has been a constant stream of blessings rather than disappointments and failures and tragedies. I wish I had been re-elected. I think I could have kept our country at peace. I think I could have consolidated what we achieved at Camp David with a treaty between Israel and the Palestinians.