Search For bizarre In Quotes 25

Obama is trying to paint us as a caricature as if we're some bizarre individualists who are hardcore libertarians. It's a false dichotomy and intellectually lazy. Of course we believe in government. We think government should do what it does really well but that it has limits.

It's funny that it all becomes about clothes. It's bizarre. You work your butt off and then you win an award and it's all about your dress. You can't get away from it.

We've got a bunch of new writers now who tell me they grew up watching The Simpsons. It's bizarre and they're writing some very funny stuff.

Actually bizarrely in America I get more appreciation from the odd unusual stuff I've done almost because I'm not if you like famous in America as I am in England.

I know it's a cliche but the whole family is just whacked. I mean we're all out of our minds. They're the funniest most eccentric bizarre people I've ever met my siblings.

We got on his label and the Bizarre organization is just going up and up. So we have faith.

It was a very bizarre experience for me to get the songs together go in there and try to deliver them as I would perhaps in a live setting. But I realized that I couldn't take on that coffeehouse style that I came from and go in there and burn it up.

People who run for president seriously and people who become president enter a bizarre secret society in which they have had an experience that none of us will ever have.

Film is such a bizarre vehicle for acting. It's such a bizarre experience. I don't think you ever really get familiar with it. If you do get familiar with it you're probably not that good anymore.

This is absolutely bizarre that we continue to subsidize highways beyond the gasoline tax airlines and we don't subsidize we don't want to subsidize a national rail system that has environmental impact.