Search For bible In Quotes 103

I loved fairy tales when I was a kid. Grimm. The grimmer the better. I loved gruesome gothic tales and in that respect I liked Bible stories because to me they were very gothic.

The only theism worthy of our respect believes in God not because of the way the world is made but in spite of that. The only theism that is no less profound than the Buddha's atheism is that represented in the Bible by Job and Jeremiah.

I read Christopher McDougall's book 'Born to Run.' If running were a religion this would be its bible. I actually scribbled my favorite passages on my arm to read during the race.

I just think Texas and that whole Bible Belt section is so like corporate. And I don't agree with organized religion in that respect.

I have quite a few different Bibles. Having rejected my parents' religion I still think the King James Bible is the most important work of literature in English. None of us can help being influenced by it.

The Coptic Church respects the law but it does not accept rulings that go against the Bible and our freedom of religion.

It is the sincere desire of the writer that our citizens should early understand that the genuine source of correct republican principles is the bible particularly the New Testament or the Christian religion.

Oh there's going to be debate because you're dealing with the Bible and religion is supposed to be separate from state and that to me is already a conflict before it even hits the gay issue.

Both of my parents would say they were atheists so where I inherited my connection to God I don't know. But it's natural. No Bible no Torah just the love religion.

I love it when the left and when the president say 'Don't try to impose your values on us you folks who hold your Bibles in your hand and cling to your guns.' They have values too. Our values are based on religion based on life. Their values are based on a religion of self.

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Over the course of two years we arrived at a point where we began to look at the value added by making information more easily accessible across the intelligence community both defense and national.