Search For beneath In Quotes 25

Pessimists are the people who have no hope for themselves or for others. Pessimists are also people who think the human race is beneath their notice that they're better than other human beings.

There's no love more intense than the love we have for our kids - and where there is intense love there is also intense fear lurking beneath the surface.

I don't run away from a challenge because I am afraid. Instead I run toward it because the only way to escape fear is to trample it beneath your feet.

Quite often I can be in a bookshop standing beneath a great big picture of myself and paying for a book with a credit card clearly marked John Grisham yet no one recognises me. I often say I'm a famous author in a country where no one reads.

Let us keep the dance of rain our fathers kept and tread our dreams beneath the jungle sky.

Deep down no one really believes they have a right to live. But this death sentence generally stays tucked away hidden beneath the difficulty of living. If that difficulty is removed from time to time death is suddenly there unintelligibly.

When you jump for joy beware that no one moves the ground from beneath your feet.

We all drive differently and have different styles. For me I need a car I can develop beneath me and feel comfortable in. If the car feels neutral and unbalanced it doesn't work for me.

It's amazing that you can listen to any song and you can always tell when there's some substance beneath it and when there isn't. Even if it's poetically written and technically brilliant I'd rather hear something that's all over the place but has some soul to it.

I mean there is amazing amount of oil and gas and other resources out beneath the sea. It's staggering.