Search For backward In Quotes 45

Today's interpretations of religion are often backward and contradict the needs of civilization.

Never go backward. Attempt and do it with all your might. Determination is power.

The link between peace and stability on the one hand and social and economic growth on the other is dialectic. Peace poverty and backwardness cannot mix in one region.

I would bend over backward to be back on Grey's. Any day I'll choose lying in bed with Katherine Heigl looking over me over getting thrown against walls by supernatural persons at 5 in the morning.

Often people attempt to live their lives backwards they try to have more things or more money in order to do more of what they want so they will be happier.

During the days of segregation there was not a place of higher learning for African Americans. They were simply not welcome in many of the traditional schools. And from this backward policy grew the network of historical black colleges and universities.

When I was first learning songs I'd have a favorite song and I'd take the chords and twist them around. I'd learn the chords and then play them backward. That was my first experimenting with writing a song.

The greater the step forward in knowledge the greater is the one taken backward in search of wisdom.

The medieval university looked backwards it professed to be a storehouse of old knowledge. The modern university looks forward and is a factory of new knowledge.

It's a poor sort of memory that only works backwards.