Search For awkward In Quotes 23

You learn timing on the road. You learn structure and how to read an audience. You learn so much about the business of laughter that you can't learn on a set because it's all on you. Sometimes you bomb and you know not to tell that joke again... You just hope people find the humor in the awkwardness.

When I joined Custer I donned the uniform of a soldier. It was a bit awkward at first but I soon got to be perfectly at home in men's clothes.

I love Charlie Billy Burke's character. Writing for him is so spectacular he's so funny and wry and every scene he's in he just takes. There's a scene in 'Eclipse' where Bella tells him she's a virgin and it's the funniest most awkward scene I've ever seen on film.

Every therapeutic cure and still more any awkward attempt to show the patient the truth tears him from the cradle of his freedom from responsibility and must therefore reckon with the most vehement resistance.

As a shy kid growing up in Sheffield I fantasized about how it would be great to be famous so I wouldn't actually have to talk to people and feel awkward. And of course as we all know from fairy stories when you achieve that ambition you find out you don't want it.

I think we're the only jokeless show on television. I mean really we have no setups and no punch lines. It's not a joke show. There are funny lines and funny moments but again the comedy is born of the human experience and awkward pauses are a great part of what it is to be human.

Dating is kind of hard. Like dinner or something like that. Like a forced awkward situation is very strange. Especially for me for some reason.

Dating is just awkward moments and one person wants more than the other. It's just that constant strangeness. I think it's a very real thing.

And in a world without heroes as the movie trailer voice-over guy might say the slightly awkward can be slightly cool.

Eventually it is found out but it takes time especially in the conditions when communication is difficult when the enemy is making it extremely awkward for information to come out to go.