Search For autograph In Quotes 18

Hold on to that. You have an autograph. I'm going to be famous some day.

My office walls are covered with autographs of famous writers - it's what my children call my 'dead author wall.' I have signatures from Mark Twain Earnest Hemingway Jack London Harriett Beecher Stowe Pearl Buck Charles Dickens Rudyard Kipling Alfred Lord Tennyson to name a few.

I was with a famous comedian when a young fan walked up and asked for an autograph. The comedian blew him off. I'll never forget the look on the young boy's face. He was devastated.

A player dreams of being a superstar but he doesn't want people flocking all over him asking for an autograph.

I am a very open social friendly person and when it comes to people approaching me and asking for an autograph I am totally cool with doing any of that. It's a lot of fun.

I hate it when people come up to me on trains and ask 'Are you Soulja Boy?' If people want pictures or autographs that's cool but I don't like the dumb questions.

I never set out to become 'famous.' I mean when you're 14 you think 'I'm gonna become a writer and people will want my autograph and that'll be cool ' but you grow up and you learn that's just not how the world works. I resigned myself to the fact that I would probably never be published and if I did it probably wouldn't be a big deal.

When I was living on the street I would be standing out in front of Grauman's Chinese Theater leaning against my car and signing autographs and nobody had any idea that I was living in it.