Search For austin In Quotes 18

I do love DVD and I've always taken them seriously. You know on the Austin things we really put a ton of work into them because there's so much design involved. And in this one we thought a lot about it and what could go in.

But when you're a working actor - and that's what you keep saying in your head how blessed you are to have a job - and you are working with heavyweights working with the best guys in TV it's pretty cool. Exhausting but cool.

I was brought up in a car family my dad loved cars and I was taught the art of making an Austin 7 operate.

Austin sounds a little bit like Aston Martin which is the type of car James Bond would drive.

Interventions are really emotionally exhausting and I would never ever want to have one. In the same way I would never want to have a surprise birthday party. That would be horrible.

I'm a workaholic. Before long I'm traveling on my nervous energy alone. This is incredibly exhausting.

At the root of the shy temperament is a deep fear of social judgment one so severe it can sometimes be crippling. Introverted people don't worry unduly about whether they'll be found wanting they just find too much socializing exhausting and would prefer either to be alone or in the company of a select few people.

The second album was emotionally exhausting and my life felt like it had become very serious at a very young age.