Search For astonishing In Quotes 15

Nothing in education is so astonishing as the amount of ignorance it accumulates in the form of inert facts.

The demise of Google Reader if logical is a reminder of how far we've come from the cuddly old 'I'm Feeling Lucky' Google days in which there was a foreseeably-astonishing delight in the way Google's evolving design tricks anticipated what users would like.

If architecture had nothing to do with art it would be astonishingly easy to build houses but the architect's task - his most difficult task - is always that of selecting.

It was the drawing that led me to architecture the search for light and astonishing forms.

I think I came across Cecil Taylor a bit later in 65 or 66. That really impressed me - Cecil Taylor is an amazing character... Both his music and the way he approaches the instrument are astonishing.