Search For astonish In Quotes 23

Under these conditions it is not astonishing that learning was highly prized in fact my parents made sacrifices to be able to give their children a good education.

English girls' schools today providing the higher education are so far as my knowledge goes worthily representative of that astonishing rise in the intellectual standards of women which has taken place in the last half-century.

Hamlet is an astonishing intelligence.

And as I have said it's made me think twice about the imagination. If the spirits aren't external how astonishing the mediums become! Victor Hugo said of his voices that they were like his own mental powers multiplied by five.

I think the way IBM has embraced the open source philosophy has been quite astonishing but gratifying. I hope they'll do very well with it.

American families families back home in Minnesota know only too well that out-of-pocket expenses for health care have been rising at an astonishing rate.

Nothing in education is so astonishing as the amount of ignorance it accumulates in the form of inert facts.

The demise of Google Reader if logical is a reminder of how far we've come from the cuddly old 'I'm Feeling Lucky' Google days in which there was a foreseeably-astonishing delight in the way Google's evolving design tricks anticipated what users would like.

We were astonished by the beauty and refinement of the art displayed by the objects surpassing all we could have imagined - the impression was overwhelming.

If architecture had nothing to do with art it would be astonishingly easy to build houses but the architect's task - his most difficult task - is always that of selecting.

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Where I come from you don't really talk about how much you're earning. Those things are private. My dad never told my mum how much he was earning. I'm certainly not going to tell the world. I'm doing well.