Search For asian In Quotes 25

We can now have action movies with two stars where one might be African American and one might be Asian American. One of them doesn't have to be white and the other one doesn't have to be the ethnic sidekick. We're way over that. And I think it's happening in society too.

It says something about this new global economy that USA Today now reports every morning on the day's events in Asian markets.

Sydney in general is eclectic. You can be on that brilliant blue ocean walk in the morning and then within 20 minutes you can be in a completely vast suburban sprawl or an Italian or Asian suburb and it's that mix of people it's that melting pot of people that give it its vital personality.

We are not about to send American boys 9 or 10 thousand miles away from home to do what Asian boys ought to be doing for themselves.

Last year I was diagnosed with osteoporosis. I was over 50 Caucasian thin small-framed and I have it in my genetic history. It was almost a slam-dunk.

Morals are in all countries the result of legislation and government they are not African or Asian or European: they are good or bad.

Southeast Asia food uses many different types of spices which are quite new to me like the curry leaves which I saw at the Kreta Ayer wet market in Chinatown. With such spices used in cooking this usually imparts a strong aroma to Southeast Asian food which appeals to the senses.

The food in Sydney is an Asian Pacific cuisine. It's eclectic but above all it's fresh inventive and creative and that's what I love about it.

Asian food is very easy to like because it hits your mouth very differently than European food does. In European food there may be two things to hit - maybe sweet and salty maybe salty-savory but Asian kind of works around plus you have that distinct flavor that's usually working in Asian food.

The confidence is really driven by the woman - whether she can have the confidence that there will be enough earning or income to finance all the domestic spending - but also by the middle-income class which for many Asian countries has become the growth power for the economy.

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The great awareness comes slowly piece by piece. The path of spiritual growth is a path of lifelong learning. The experience of spiritual power is basically a joyful one.