Search For arrest In Quotes 20

Great effort is required to arrest decay and restore vigor. One must exercise proper deliberation plan carefully before making a move and be alert in guarding against relapse following a renaissance.

Sabbath - a weekly festival having its origin in the fact that God made the world in six days and was arrested on the seventh.

Before Nelson Mandela was arrested in 1962 he was an angry relatively young man. He founded the ANC's military wing. When he was released he surprised everyone because he was talking about reconciliation and forgiveness and not about revenge.

If I don't get food in my mouth I'm still happy. If my pants are round my ankles as long as I don't get arrested for indecent exposure I'm happy. I'm worried about keeping my hair not how it's combed.

Our top story tonight: Famous TV dolphin flipper was arrested today on prostitution ring charges. He allegedly was seen transporting two 16 year olds across state line for immoral porpoises.

I longed to arrest all beauty that came before me and at length the longing has been satisfied.

My attitude is do as much as I can while I'm free. And if I'm arrested I'll still do as much as I can.

I did this Super-8 film at art school called 'Tissues ' this black comedy about a family whose father has been arrested for child molestation. I was absolutely thrilled by every inch of it and would throw my projector in the back of my car and show it to anybody who would watch it.

I was never jailed. The fact is that I was arrested but I went into a diversion programme and by that time I'd already begun working in what was called anger management. It was a painful and awful moment.

No Arrested Development was such an amazing experience in every way and you know it was very unique in that it was a show that received a lot of critical acclaim and yet we didn't ever achieve the ratings that we wanted.