Search For armful In Quotes 18

Overnight stardom can be harmful to your mental health. Yeah. It has ruined a lot of people.

This battle for 'common-sense' gun control laws pits emotion and passion against logic and reason. All too often in such a contest logic loses. So expect more meaningless if not harmful 'gun control' legislation. Good news - if you're a crook.

I know from personal experience how damaging it can be to live with bitterness and unforgiveness. I like to say it's like taking poison and hoping your enemy will die. And it really is that harmful to us to live this way.

But reducing harmful emissions abating our dependence on foreign oil and developing alternative renewable energy sources have benefits that go beyond environmental health they improve personal health enhance national security and encourage our nation's economic viability.

A good education is usually harmful to a dancer. A good calf is better than a good head.

I think it is totally wrong and terribly harmful if education is defined as acquiring knowledge.

Both my mum and dad were great readers and we would go every Saturday morning to the library and my sister and I had a library card when we could pass off something as a signature and all of us would come with an armful of books.

We have no reason to think that climate change is harmful if you look at the world as a whole. Most places in fact are better off being warmer than being colder. And historically the really bad times for the environment and for people have been the cold periods rather than the warm periods.

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Email instant messaging and cell phones give us fabulous communication ability but because we live and work in our own little worlds that communication is totally disorganized.