Search For answers In Quotes 55

Science and literature give me answers. And they ask me questions I will never be able to answer.

Science goes from question to question big questions and little tentative answers. The questions as they age grow ever broader the answers are seen to be more limited.

Whenever I go out so many people who respect me ask me what to do in a certain situation. A lot of times I didn't know the answers because sometimes I was going through the same sort of thing. But then later on I would think of things that people told me.

I don't practise any religion but I am deeply interested in the answers that mankind has come up with to explain the human situation.

Religion survives because it answers three questions that every reflective person must ask. Who am I? Why am I here? How then shall I live?

One of the things that is wrong with religion is that it teaches us to be satisfied with answers which are not really answers at all.

And humility in politics means accepting that one party doesn't have all the answers recognising that working in partnership is progress not treachery.

Music is more emotional than prose more revolutionary than poetry. I'm not saying I've got the answers just a of questions that I don't hear other artists asking.

Nature puts no question and answers none which we mortals ask. She has long ago taken her resolution.

If not for music I would probably be a very frustrated scientist. It's one way to answer the question 'What is the meaning of life?' I feel music answers it better.

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Because what happens is as the economy suffers tax revenues go down. But unlike businesses where at least your variable costs go down in government your variable costs go up: unemployment insurance workmen's compensation health care benefits welfare you name it.