Search For analyze In Quotes 17

I must analyze from what I do now what will be the impact two or three or five years in the future. What is the statement I want to make?

We need to teach the highly educated man that it is not a disgrace to fail and that he must analyze every failure to find its cause. He must learn how to fail intelligently for failing is one of the greatest arts in the world.

Most executives many scientists and almost all business school graduates believe that if you analyze data this will give you new ideas. Unfortunately this belief is totally wrong. The mind can only see what it is prepared to see.

I've analyzed the best I can... and I have not found an impeachable offense and therefore resignation is not an acceptable course.

I don't know why it's the same reason why you like some music and you don't like others. There's something about it that you like. Ultimately I don't find it's in my best interests to try and analyze it since it's fundamentally emotional.

You are a product of your environment. So choose the environment that will best develop you toward your objective. Analyze your life in terms of its environment. Are the things around you helping you toward success - or are they holding you back?

Part of our western outlook stems from the scientific attitude and its method of isolating the parts of a phenomenon in order to analyze them.