Search For agreement In Quotes 36

That is why if Lebanon concludes a peace agreement with Israel and brings that accord to the Parliament our deputies will reject it Hezbollah refuses any conciliation with Israel in principle.

I wish to assure you that there can never be any return to the state of armed conflict which existed before our commitment to peace and the democratic process of election under the Lancaster House agreement.

Unfortunately our history has abundant examples of patriotism being used to hurt those who express views in disagreement with that of the majority.

My impression is that most women public service workers have a long fuse. Precisely because they care so deeply about services more than anyone they still want to find a sensible and fair negotiated agreement. But their patience has run out.

A marriage contract to me is as binding as any in business and I have always believed in sticking to an agreement.

It was not possible to broadcast any of that because of an agreement between Jackson and the family. Our legal advice was that we could not broadcast it.

At that time the army leadership said the implementation of this agreement would allow everyone including the IRA to take its political objectives forward by peaceful and democratic means.

I rise today to discuss the National Intelligence Reform bill. I commend my colleagues in both Houses for their hard work in coming to an agreement. As with any conference each voice is heard but none can dominate and compromise must be achieved.

All the best have something in common a regard for reality an agreement to its primacy over the imagination.

There are things they tell us that sound good to hear but when they have accomplished their purpose they will go home and will not try to fulfill our agreements with them.